Statement of Purpose
Sisters United is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization based in Montana. Our mission is to empower Indigenous women, children, and communities with healing at the forefront. We heal through art, connecting with the land and our creator, focusing on healthy lifestyles, and educating people on the history of Indigenous people in our country. Sisters United is dedicated to functioning as a grassroots organization, maintaining flexibility as we seek change.
Candice English (Blackfeet & Nez Pierce)
| Founder & President
Candice English (she/her) founded Sisters United in the early months of 2019 after feeling tired of seeing the effects that intergenerational trauma, violence, drug & alcohol abuse, and poverty have on both our rural and urban Indigenous communities in Montana. As the owner and operator of Farmers Daughter Fibers, she appreciates the support that the fiber arts community has shown our organization.
Kim McKeehan (Little Shell Chippewa) | Board Member
Kimberly McKeehan (Metis/Anishinaabe, she/her) earned degrees in English Literature, Native American Studies, and Social Work from Montana universities and now lives in Great Falls working as a therapist in private practice. Kim served the Little Shell Tribe of Chippewa Indians of Montana as a research assistant for their language program and for five years on the tribal council.
Heather Smith | Board Member
Heather Smith (She/Her) is a Fiber Artist, Nurse, Teacher, Wife, and Mom as well as a community activist with a focus on Justice and Fairness for all members of her community. As the former President of the Great Falls LGBTQ Center board as well as being an educator in the nursing program at GFC-MSU, Education and healthcare are her passions. In her creative career, Heather can be found spinning yarns (literally for the most part) and knitting and weaving from them.